Christmas in August

Pack a Box of Items for North American Missions

Are you looking for a missions project for the people in your church or small group? Christmas in August provides a simple way you can directly help a North American missionary.

Every year Woman’s Missionary Union partners with the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board to select missionaries who are featured in the national annual Christmas in August emphasis.  These missionaries provide a list of items they need for ministry and outreach.

Here’s how you and your church can participate:

  1. Pray - pray that this project will help our missionaries tell others about Jesus.
  2. Choose and Promote - select a missionary and tell others about the project giving them a list of items they can purchase. Use church newsletters, online information, social media and a display to inform your church/small groups.
  3. Gather - provide an in-gathering location as people bring their Christmas in August items. Crate a Christmas display to catch their attention (wrap a large open box in Christmas paper) and to hold items..
  4. Pack and Mail - organize donated items and mail following instructions found online at