Annual Missions Lifeline to be Held

Need current missions information? Does your church need a fresh approach to missions? Do your youth and children need to learn about missionaries and what they do? Is God calling you to do something new in missions? If so….this day is for you!

Saturday, August 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30, the annual Missions Lifeline event will be held at Calvary Baptist Church in Greenfield. Sponsored by Indiana WMU, the day’s activities will enhance your church’s missions emphasis.

The event features guest missionaries, a mini kids’ Missions Day Camp, breakout sessions, and the annual election of Indiana state WMU officers.

The day will be filled with mission activities, current information about praying for and giving to missions, and breakouts deigned to help your church fulfill its missions mandate of making disciples for Christ.

Lunch will be served, and participants will enjoy the Missions Rally’s upbeat music and motivational missions speakers. Plan now to attend! Register online on the state convention website.

As a special  project, attendees are encouraged to bring items for two Indiana church planters who are featured as Christmas in August recipients. These items will help their ministries with homeless and college students:  school supplies for backpack distribution, $10 gift cards to Kroger and McDonald’s and travel size items for homeless hygiene kits. Items will be collected and given to the church planters.

Plan to attend; bring others with you; take advantage of the children’s Day Camp; enjoy a day full of missions challenges!