News Flash

Two great opportunities for missions involvement are coming right to Indiana soon!

Missions Lifeline – August 4-6, Gasburg Baptist Church, Mooresville, IN

   Missional church leaders will gather to attend missions-specific seminars, hear from international and North American missionaries, and hold the annual Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) annual meeting. Leaders will be equipped for the upcoming church year to lead men, women, boys, and girls to be mission disciples.

   This event is for everyone! Some conferences are: Our Missions Future, Reaching Indiana Communities for Christ, Adults Involved in Missions, Children and Missions, Churchwide Missions, and others.

   Linda Cooper, National WMU President, will be the event keynote speaker. Linda’s warm personality motivates others to become personally invested in missions. And, she’s a great storyteller!

   For more information on this event and to register at no cost, scan QR or go online to